Certification under Section 56 of the German Life-Cycle Resource Management Act and Waste Management Act (Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz - KrWG) and German Ordinance on Specialised Waste Management Companies (Entsorgungsfachbetriebeverordnung - EfbV)
You are a waste management company and meet the minimum requirements on a waste management company in terms of organization, equipment and activities as well as on the qualification of management and staff. Then there is no obstacle to a certification as specialised waste management company, confirming a proper waste disposal according to the criteria set out in the German Ordinance on Specialised Waste Management Companies (EntsorgungsfachbetriebeVO).
With a certification as a specialised waste management company, you may use privileges such as:
- no need to obtain a broker licence or transport license
- no need for a preliminary evaluation by the governmental authorities in the waste disposal certification procedure
A certification according to the Commercial Waste Ordinance (GewAbfV), Packaging Law (VerpackG) and Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG) may be part of the certification as specialised waste management company.
At GfBU-Zert we have experts approved by the Brandenburg State Environmental Agency.
At GfBU-Zert we audit several companies and act as surveyors to:
- Entsorgergemeinschaft der Deutschen Entsorgungswirtschaft e.V. (EdDE) (German Waste Management Association of Waste Disposal Plants – registered association)
- Entsorgergemeinschaft Kreislaufwirtschaft Mecklenburg Vorpommern e.V. (Waste Management Association Circular Economy Mecklenburg-West Pomerania – registered association)
- Entsorgergemeinschaft der Deutschen Stahl- und NE-Metall-Recycling-Wirtschaft e.V. (Waste Management Association of the German Steel and Non-Ferrous Metal Recycling Industries – registered association)
- EGMV Entsorgergemeinschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern eV (EGMV Waste Management Association Mecklenburg Western Pomerania - registered association
- EGH Entsorgergemeinschaft Großraum Hamburg e.V. (EGH Waste Management Association greater Hamburg area - registered association)
- EGSH Entsorgergemeinschaft Schleswig-Holstein e.V. (EGSH Waste Management Association Schleswig-Holstein - registered association)
Please contact:
Dipl.-Ing. Grit Peries
head of technical
supervisory organisation
+49 (0)30 99 28 82 - 904